Wednesday, September 7, 2016

My name is Daniel Murphy and I am attending my first year of college at Frederick Community College. Honestly I did not see myself ever attending community college but as you know life takes its twist and turns and here I am sitting in this classroom. Not to say anything is wrong with community college but in my early high school days I imagined myself probably being hazed in some frat house by some dude wearing a skin tight polo shirt with a backwards visor on. Anyways I plan on transferring to either Maryland or Salisbury University after this year and either study nursing or buisness.

A little bit about myself, I am apart of an odd family of four. I have one sibling named Alex and  Alex is what I'd like to say the family favorite. Maybe because he plays professional baseball for the Orioles or maybe not but Im leaning towards that its just because he plays professional baseball. My parents are most defiantly strange. They no longer live together and are separated but do not have final divorce which some might not see as strange or odd. The real question is how long they have been separated for??? 7 years is the answer and neither of them with go through with getting a divorce. People ask me what I think about the whole situation and my stance is they got to stop acting like they are in a middle school relationship and get there crap together but honestly its not my problem to worry about.

I plan to gain a lot of knowledge from this mass media class because I am fairly clueless about mass media and how big of an affect it has on people every single day almost all day long. Just after the first 2 weeks of class I have learned information on how I use or see media in an everyday activities. I honestly took this class just because I needed to gain 3 extra credits and this looked like it wouldn't be a terrible class to get by in. I sincerely do like this class which was very unexpected to be honest but I guess some things work out for the best.